Ofu Beach

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Eggs and Butter

Toast, simply put it is bread of your choosing placed in an oven and cooked until crispy...dried really...in all honesty it's nothing special. Now add eggs, butter and heat, you get a much fancier, "French" version of the seemingly mundane toast. Even the words "French Toast" sound far more appealing than... "toast".

This blog is devoted to the seemingly mundane adventures of domestic life. At first glance they are boring, average at best, but then add the eggs and butter, also known as my 9 month old son Hobie! Suddenly cooking, cleaning and other average daily chores become exciting, noteworthy actually.

I'm a simple girl with a simple life...regular old boring toast. Hobie is my eggs and butter, he makes life far more interesting and fancy. For this simple American girl he makes it French...thus is born the blog French Toast!

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