Ofu Beach

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Comme la Page, L'amour de la Cause, Donner.

{Like the Page, Love the Cause, Give. -Carly Gunby}

November 2011 marks the anniversary of my career switch. A lot has happened over the course of the passed year...I have learned a lot over the course of the passed year.

Some of it has been tangible: the mastering of new recipes, the discovery of a new skill, and creative ways to keep an infant (now toddler) engaged.

Other lessons have been more subtle and have had a far more reaching impact on my life: living and appreciating a simple life, and honestly showing people love.

{My husband, his mom & Hobie May 2011}

These have not been easy lessons, and I have nowhere near obtained the character of human being I hope one day to reach. The temptation of "stuff" is all too present in our world. I long for a simple life, but I sit here writing about it from my iMac computer...now what sense does that make?

{An all too reoccurring theme throughout our Nation}

So We give. We give as much as we can, and I don't know if my motivation for giving is out of guilt for having lead a fortunate life when so many others around the world and in my community go without, or out of appreciation for having lead such a fortunate life...I don't know.  What I do know is I love giving!  I wish we could do more...I want to do more...honestly, we probably could/should do more (not in just a monetary sense), but more is still a scary thought.

Below are 2 projects we give to...check them out. I hope you have causes near to your heart you contribute to...While "Liking" a Facebook page is a great start, finding causes you love is better, but it is essential we as human beings GIVE to one another.

Sore Feet Saviors

GO Walk America- The Global Orphan Fund- GO Threads

1 comment:

  1. I should start giving more...I've been fortunate these last few months...thanks for the remind :)
