Ofu Beach

Monday, November 28, 2011

Faites Votre Propre

{Make Your Own}

I read Patagonia's blog "The Cleanest Line". For their Black Friday issue they posted an ad in the New York Times saying "Don't Buy This Jacket", in hopes of bringing attention to the issues of mass consumerism in our country and its social & environmental impacts. While a responsible idea, it does seem a bit oxymoronic that a retail clothing and gear company is trying to bring about awareness to this issue...clever marketing scheme? Perhaps, but it does draw my attention to the things in life that have been made out to be more complicated than they actually are just so manufactures can earn a pretty penny!

Lately, in an effort to save money as well as learn to appreciate our many blessings,  we have been trying to "de-stuff" our lives and really only purchase the necessities. I thought we were doing a pretty decent job, but then I got to thinking about all of the "stuff"(as well as their costs) necessary just to run daily life; clothes, laundry detergent, groceries, blah blah blah! I sort of got a little depressed thinking about how dependent I am on manufacturers of the products I use...when I thought, "Why should I be?" So I decided to do something about it!

Here are some ideas:

{Make your own Juice}

{Hunt, Clean and Cook your own Thanksgiving Turkey or Holiday meal}

{Craft Usefully & Recycle: I made my own Jewelry Tree out of an old lamp base}

{Make your own Laundry Detergent}

Monday, November 14, 2011



{photo from http://juicerrecipesnow.com/}

In a few days I am having a few local madres over for a "Juicing Party". I am pretty excited as I LOVE juicing! If you are not a juicing fanatic (yet) it is hard to step away from the ever tasty, but safe (and therefore boring) apple + carrot + ginger juice. Below are 5 of our favorite juicing recipes @ Casa de Guevara! Each recipe makes enough for 2 servings.

Alkaline (Basic) Juicer

  • 2 compact handfuls of spinach
  • 1 cucumber
  • 4 stalks celery
  • 6 carrots
  • 1 apple (the color matters not)
Simple Green
  • 2 compact handfuls spinach
  • 4 compact handfuls kale
  • 4 "cups" parsley
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 6 stalks celery
Beach Body
  • 6 carrots
  • 4 stalks celery
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 "cup" parsley
  • 1 beet
  • 2 apples
Sweet Green (my favorite)
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 apples
  • 1/2 "cup" parsley
  • 1/2 "cup" mint
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 1" ginger
  • 1 lemon (peeled)
Power Up
  • 8 stalks celery
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 compact handfuls spinach
  • 2 apples
  • 1 green bell pepper
Ideally everyone will bring ingredients for a different juice, so we can sample a little of each. Can't wait to post pictures!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Comme la Page, L'amour de la Cause, Donner.

{Like the Page, Love the Cause, Give. -Carly Gunby}

November 2011 marks the anniversary of my career switch. A lot has happened over the course of the passed year...I have learned a lot over the course of the passed year.

Some of it has been tangible: the mastering of new recipes, the discovery of a new skill, and creative ways to keep an infant (now toddler) engaged.

Other lessons have been more subtle and have had a far more reaching impact on my life: living and appreciating a simple life, and honestly showing people love.

{My husband, his mom & Hobie May 2011}

These have not been easy lessons, and I have nowhere near obtained the character of human being I hope one day to reach. The temptation of "stuff" is all too present in our world. I long for a simple life, but I sit here writing about it from my iMac computer...now what sense does that make?

{An all too reoccurring theme throughout our Nation}

So We give. We give as much as we can, and I don't know if my motivation for giving is out of guilt for having lead a fortunate life when so many others around the world and in my community go without, or out of appreciation for having lead such a fortunate life...I don't know.  What I do know is I love giving!  I wish we could do more...I want to do more...honestly, we probably could/should do more (not in just a monetary sense), but more is still a scary thought.

Below are 2 projects we give to...check them out. I hope you have causes near to your heart you contribute to...While "Liking" a Facebook page is a great start, finding causes you love is better, but it is essential we as human beings GIVE to one another.

Sore Feet Saviors

GO Walk America- The Global Orphan Fund- GO Threads

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Jack de tous les métiers, maître d'aucun

{Jack of all trades, master of none}

I am the kind of person who will try anything once. I consider myself a:


art lover


Yogi (I do actually practice)




teacher (well the teacher formerly known as Mrs. G)

...and whatever else holds my attention for any significant amount of time. For many years I have struggled with this concept of being mediocre at a lot of things and exceptional at none. While I have enjoyed learning new skills and hobbies, and meeting all sorts of wonderful people I still search for that 1 thing I cannot live without doing. Honestly I envy the people who, with all certainty can say, "I am a _______". That to me is a huge accomplishment! I would love to know what your passions are...what can you not live without?